Advanced Level
Lesson 9


Advanced English
Lesson 9 - Sports/Hobbies

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Confusing Sensory Verbs

In this lesson we're going to practice with a few verbs that are commonly confused.



"Seeing" is involuntary, you see as long as your eyes are open.  

I can see the ocean.

"Looking" is pointing your eyes in a certain direction.  For example, if I say "Look at the computer screen." what I want you to do is direct your eyes at the computer screen so that you will see something.  

Look at the book.

"Watching" is a longer activity.  Watching is looking at something for a while and focusing your attention on that thing.

I usually watch TV in the evening.



The verb "tell" must be used with an object (the person to whom it was told).  The indirect objects are "Bob" in the first example below and "me" in the second. It is usually used with the infinitive of the verb (like in the examples below) and is not usually used with direct quotes.

Tell Bob to come in to work on Saturday.
He told me to finish the report.

There are also certain expressions that are always used with the verb "tell".

tell a secret
tell the truth
tell a lie
tell a story
tell a joke

The verb "say" can be used with direct quotes with or without an object, but if an object is used, you must first put the word "to."

I said, "Hi! My name's Janet."
I said to him, "Hi! My name's Janet."




"Hearing" is involuntary, you hear whether you want to or not.  Perhaps right now, as you are studying on the computer you are hearing car noises or the noise of children playing outside.  

I hear the children playing outside.

"Listening" is actually focusing your attention on what you are hearing.

I listened carefully to the teacher's explanation of the grammar.

NOTE: The verb "listen" is always used with "to" when you include who or what the person is listening to.

He needs to listen to the teacher.

Select the correct verb to complete each of the sentences.

1. At night you can the sound of the crickets.

2. I want to to the news on the radio.

3. You need to at the board when the teacher is explaining the grammar.

4. He is very funny. He's always jokes.

5. You need to always the truth.

6. I like to movies on Friday nights.

7. You can the whole city from the top of that skyscraper.

8. Grandpa a very interesting story to the children.

9. She , "It's important to learn these vocabulary words."

10. I her to study for the test.


Adjectives with -ing vs. Adjectives with -ed

There are many adjectives which when used with an -ed ending describe how you feel but when used with an -ing ending describe the thing or person that makes you feel that way.  For example, the word "interested" describes how you feel.  However, the word "interesting" describes the thing or person that interests you.

I'm bored. (How I feel)
The movie is boring. (The movie makes me feel bored.)

She's tired. (How she feels)
Work is tiring. (The work makes her feel tired.)

Select the correct adjective.

1. I was when they gave me the birthday present.

2. The magic show was . I couldn't believe they made the rabbit disappear!

3. I love to go on roller coasters. They're really .

4. That information was very .

5. Every time I try to read that book I fall asleep. That book is so .

6. I was after working all day.

7. The documentary was very . I learned many new things.

8. Traveling is very .

9. The children can't wait to open their Christmas presents. They're very .

10. She couldn't believe that she had won the lottery. She was .


Find the Mistake

Find the errors in the sentences.  Write the sentences correctly.

She are a student. --> She is a student.

1. I like to listen music.

2. I was very surprising.

3. She told that she liked chocolate.  

4. That book is interested.

5. He said the children a story.


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